The Hannah Miller Show
The Hannah Miller Show
Book Review | Homeschool Hints: What About 180 Days?
This week Hannah gives a review on Mary Hunt's book Debt-Proof Your Kids. After hearing Mary Hunt in an unforgettable interview twelve years ago, Hannah recently bought and read her book written specifically for parents. A fascinating book, choc full of practical tips for parents. Even if you aren't a parent or your kids are young, Hannah recommends this book for anyone wanting to start their journey of becoming a better money manager. Closing today's podcast, Hannah discusses how homeschoolers should address the issue of 180 days during a state of emergency. Homeschoolers in South Carolina do not receive excused days under a state of emergency like public schools might. So, should we panic? Should we worry during a state of emergency about trying to get those days in even if our minds and hearts are weighed down by the plight of our neighbors? Hannah covers this issue in today's Homeschool Hints segment.